Mini rubber doll Japanese men are looking for romance for sex dolls

 More and more Japanese men are looking for romance in love dolls. According to people in the sex doll industry, around 2000 are sold in Japan every year. Prices start at around $2,000, and the head and genitals can be removed and the fingers adjusted.

Thanks to the advent of silicone materials, it has become possible to create male sex dolls that feel almost like human skin. With such a real look, men are meant to feel like they are talking to the real doll.

Nowadays, the people who work on the development of these lifelike sex dolls take their work with a unique seriousness and professionalism. The creation of sex dolls is a real artistic work, tailored to each of the customers who have the opportunity to choose the characteristics of their discreet partner.

As we kissed, I gently undid her bra. Then I pulled her little black thong to my foot. It was here that I felt the desire of this woman for the first time. I knew that while she embodied a shy girl next door, she could also be a wild partner for hours.

This versatility made me special. Finally she undressed in front of me. She offered me her ample breasts. Of course, this mini sex doll was equipped with a D cup. I found that really cool. I felt turned on by the pants. I began gently caressing her breasts.
