male masturbator She's not really a sex doll anymore
Or at least that is the general idea. The simple fantasy of what a love doll could be - indistinguishable from a real human, only hotter and ready to fulfill any desire - is far from the current reality. Henry, if we're going to be cruel, is essentially a high quality dildo attached to a fancy mannequin with a bluetooth speaker in his head. But the gap between what we envision and what is possible makes male sex dolls the perfect vehicle for contemplating our sexual and technological future. McMullen has a theory about people and technology that he calls "Matt McMullen's own theory": If people connect to other people through technology, and if those virtual connections create loneliness and isolation, then why not use technology to create an alternative kind of relationship - a relationship with technology? These modern times are all about contentment and happiness. Happiness comes from excitement, pleasure, and other dopamine-inducing activities. The best way to get...